Monday, July 6, 2015

5th Edition Dragonlance Dwarves


As Mountain Dwarf in PHB.


As Hill Dwarf in PHB.


In addition to the generic Dwarf Traits described in the PHB, these Dwarves gain these Subrace Traits as well:


SUNLIGHT SENSITIVITY: These Dwarves have Disadvantage on Attack Rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when they, the target of their attack, or whatever they are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.

SUPERIOR DARKVISION: These Dwarves have a Darkvision radius of 120 feet.

SKULK: These Dwarves are Proficient in Stealth.


The following replaces the generic and subrace Dwarf Traits in the PHB:

ABILITY SCORE INCREASE: Constitution +2, Charisma +2

SIZE: Small. Gully Dwarves average 3 1/2 to 4 feet in height.

SPEED: 20 feet

SURVIVAL INSTINCT: Gully Dwarves are Proficient in Stealth and Survival.

PITIABLE: Gully Dwarves are Proficient in Persuasion, when attempting to convince another creature not to hurt them.

DWARVEN RESILIENCE: Gully Dwarves have Advantage on Saving Throws against Poison, and are Resistant to Poison Damage.

COWARDLY: Gully Dwarves have Disadvantage on Saving Throws against Fear.


The following replaces the generic and subrace Dwarf Traits in the PHB:

ABILITY SCORE INCREASE: Constitution +1, +1 to Choice of Two other Attributes

SIZE: 4 1/2 to 6 feet tall. Medium

SPEED: 30 feet

DWARVEN WEAPON TRAINING: Half-Dwarves are Proficient in Battleaxe, Handaxe, Throwing Hammer, Warhammer

RESILIENT: Half-Dwarves are considered Proficient in Constitution Saving Throws. If they pick a Class that also has Constitution as a Proficiency, then they are Doubly Proficient.

INEXHAUSTIBLE: When spending Hit Dice during a Short Rest to regain Hit Points, the Half-Dwarf has Advantage on the roll.

TOOL PROFICIENCY: The Half-Dwarf is Proficient in the Artisan's Tools of his choice.

CRAFTSMAN'S CRITIQUE: Whenever the Half-Dwarf makes an Intelligence check to determine the value of an item, he is considered proficient, and adds double his Proficiency Bonus to the roll.


A Fatherless Dwarf is a Dwarf who for some reason, usually a horrendous crime such as murder, is outcast from Dwarven society. Rules-wise, a Fatherless Dwarf is no different from the subrace he was born into. The only difference is found in gameplay and character motive. Additionally, Fatherless Dwarves are the only Dwarves from the Hylar, Daewar, Klar, Daergar, Zhakar and Neidar clans that practice any sort of Arcane Magic, as typical Dwarf society does not abide magic. Note that it is possible to become a Fatherless Dwarf during gameplay.

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