Friday, July 10, 2015

5th Edition Dragonlance Kender


In addition to the generic Halfling Traits found in the PHB, True Kender have the following traits:


SPEED: 30 feet. Kender are faster than their size otherwise suggests.

FEARLESS: Kender are immune to Fear.

HANDLER: Kender are Proficient in the Sleight of Hand skill.

ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER: Kender have disadvantage on all Constitution checks to maintain concentration. In addition, kender are required to make a Constitution check to maintain concentration whether or not an attack does damage (DC 10), though Constitution checks made when an attack misses are made normally, not at disadvantage. In addition, once per long rest, the DM may impose disadvantage on any attack, saving throw or ability check you make. A kender spellcaster with the War Caster feat makes Constitution checks imposed by damage normally and is not required to make concentration checks when an attack misses.

POUCH GRAB: Once per short or long rest the Kender may look through his pouch and "discover" something he didn't know he had. Note for DMs: Kender are not thieves, they are handlers. It is bad practice to allow party or other players' items to be stolen or "found" in the pouch. When the Kender decides to look through his pouch, he may roll on the Kender Pouch Interesting Items table below, or the DM may decide what the Kender found. Note that while the Kender do not consider themselves thieves, everything in their pouch does in fact belong to someone else, who most likely will not be pleased if he discovers the Kender has it; the more valuable or rare the item, the more distraught the owner will be at its absence. Also note that once an item is "discovered" and then put back in the pouch, there is no guarantee that the item will be found again. Kender are not only notorious for "finding" things, but also for losing them.

KENDER WEAPON FAMILIARITY: True Kender are Proficient in all Kender Exotic Weapons, including the Battak, Bollik, Chapak, Hachak, Hoopak, Polpak, Sashik, Sithak, and Whippik. True Kender are not Proficient in any other weapons, regardless of class choice.


In addition to the generic Halfling Traits found in the PHB, Afflicted Kender have the following traits:


SPEED: 30 feet. Kender are faster than their size otherwise suggests.

NATURALLY STEALTHY: Kender are Proficient in the Stealth skill. Additionally, the Afflicted Kender may attempt to hide even when only obscured by a creature, provided the creature is at least Medium size.

KENDER WEAPON FAMILIARITY: Afflicted Kender are Proficient in all Kender Exotic Weapons, including the Battak, Bollik, Chapak, Hachak, Hoopak, Polpak, Sashik, Sithak, and Whippik.


Half Kender have the following traits:

ABILITY SCORE INCREASE: The Half Kender may increase three Attributes of his choice by 1

SIZE: Medium

SPEED: 30 feet

BRAVE: Half Kender gain Advantage on all Saving Throws against Fear.

FIVE FINGERS: Half Kender are Proficient in the Sleight of Hand skill.

KENDER WEAPON FAMILIARITY: Half Kender are Proficient in all Kender Exotic Weapons, including the Battak, Bollik, Chapak, Hachak, Hoopak, Polpak, Sashik, Sithak, and Whippik.


BATTAK: A battak is a club-shaped walking stick favored by Kender. Its grip can be unscrewed to reveal a hollow cavity where small items may be stored. Its end is sharpened and metal-clad, useful for prying or, if necessary, stabbing. The Battak can be used either as a Club or a Spear, depending on its owner's whim.

HOOPAK: A hoopak is a staff-sling favored by Kender. It is made of hardwood, one end forked and the other clad in a metal spike. The forked end can be used as a sling, or to gather fruit from trees that are too high for the Kender to normally reach. The spiked end can be used for prying or as a spear, and the entire assembly may be thrown as a spear. The hoopak can also be used as a staff. How the hoopak is used in combat is entirely up to the owner.

WHIPPIK: A whippik is a foot-long length of handle that ends in a coil of braided leather, much like a riding whip. It can be used as a whip with a 5-foot reach, or a trained user can use it to throw darts with greater force and range than normal; darts thrown like this are 1d6 piercing damage with a range of 30/120.


Interesting Items
d% Result d% Result d% Result
1 Wooden teeth 34 Gnomish collapsible binoculars 66 Whistle
2 Glass eye 35 Gnomish padlock without key 67 Bell
3 Archaic coin 36 Small key 69 Wooden figurine
4 Coin with two heads 37 Bowstring 70 Piece of colored chalk
5 Single gambling die 38 Slingshot 71 Quill
6 Single playing or tarot card with erotic picture 39 Sling 72 Stoppered inkwell
7 Painted rock that obviously needs to be protected. And walked. And let outside every now and then. And spoken to in a gentle soothing voice because it has feelings too 40 Slingstone 73 Stoppered inkwell filled with invisible ink
8 Nugget of pyrite 41 Arrowhead 74 Piece of parchment
9 Unfinished quartz 42 Spearhead 75 Leather bookmark
10 Brightly colored uncut crystal 43 Ladies' concealable dagger 76 Colored wax
11 Lump of coal 44 Masterwork eating knife 77 Roll of very useful-looking twine
12 Ferrocerium rod 45 Old pitted single piece of silverware 78 Roll of brightly colored yarn
13 Small clay pot filled with gunpowder 46 Single piece of Elvenmake silverware 79 Silver needle
14 Lodestone 47 Single piece of Dwarfmake silverware 80 Silver thimble
15 Gnomish collapsible compass 48 Bizarre Gnomish eating contraption 81 Seven-leaf clover
16 Hairpin 49 Dwarfmake beerstein 82 Single Gnomish firework
17 Single brightly colored button 50 Elvenmake wineglass 83 Gnomish clockwork gear
18 Single spur 51 Gnomish beerhat 84 Incomplete page from a spellbook
19 Kender sheriff's badge 52 Piece of fruit 85 Reptilian scale
20 Signet ring 53 Trail ration 86 Unbreakable egg
21 Engraved belt buckle 54 Elven trail ration 87 Reptilian tooth
22 Single fine leather glove 55 Cheese 88 Gnomish schematics for a clockwork toy
23 Brightly colored handkerchief 56 Small pouch of tea leaves 89 Map with a prominent X on it that says "Dragon Here"
24 Brightly colored headscarf 57 Red hot chili pepper 90 Half of a map
25 Brightly colored knit cap 58 Small bottle of Dwarven spirits 91 Silver coin
26 Single brightly colored stocking 59 Corncob pipe 92 Gnomish clockwork clacking teeth
27 Single brightly colored garter 60 Fine wooden pipe 93 Gnomish hand buzzer
28 Brightly colored breaststrap 61 Small pouch of tobacco 94 Itching powder
29 Gnomish codpiece 62 Wooden holy symbol 95 Finger trap: make an immediate DC 10 Wisdom check to get out of it
30 Kender-sized facemask 63 Wooden prayer beads 96 Tiny sailing ship in a bottle
31 Spectacles 64 Page from a Cleric's prayerbook 97 Inflatable love-gnome
32 Monocle 65 Small vial of holy water 98-99 Roll on Extraordinary Items table
33 Gnomish telescoping spyglass 66 Incense 00 Roll on Amazing Items table

Extraordinary Items*
d% Result
1-15 Single 10gp Gemstone
16-25 Single 50gp Gemstone
26-35 Single 100gp Gemstone
36-45 Single 500gp Gemstone
46-60 Piece of 25gp Art
61-70 Piece of 250gp Art
71-80 Table A Magic Item
81-90 Table B Magic Item
91-00 Table F Magic Item

Amazing Items*
d% Result
1-15 Single 1000gp Gemstone
16-30 Single 5000gp Gemstone
31-45 Piece of 2500gp Art
46-60 Piece of 7500gp Art
61-70 Table C Magic Item
71-80 Table D Magic Item
81-90 Table G Magic Item
91-00 Table H Magic Item

* All of these Items are found in the Treasure Tables of the DMG.

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